The technology for software development is ever changing. Which is why it’s more important than ever to stay informed on the latest development trends. Are you using any of the top 10 current trends in software development?
- Progressive Web Apps – Essentially, a mobile app that can run on any web platform and does not require network connectivity. PWA’s rely on a web app manifest using JSON that provides developers with a centralized location to hold their metadata. They also use a JavaScript file called service worker to give the user high performance without the need for high storage space. Both work together to create a mobile app-like experience on your desktop or phone. The benefits include instant load times, even on unreliable networks, and increased user engagement.
- Artificial Intelligence – AI can be summed up as any method used to teach a computer to perform tasks as an intelligent person would. For decades the thought of AI becoming a reality has been swarming the internet world and we are finally seeing real results. Companies have started to use forms of AI with voice and image recognition software, mobile apps that read and process checks as well as upcoming apps such as Uber whose programs are designed to help reduce user wait time. We are also starting to use artificial intelligence to communicate with live customers instead of requiring the cost of a live technician. Which means lower cost for you!
- Micro-services – These services isolate and compartmentalize your product into individual micro-services. Each service performs a very specific functionality. You now have multiple specialized services working together instead of one large platform. Developers can focus on their micro-service while being able to develop, deploy and scale independently. This model can be found most commonly in architectures that utilize continuous delivery and deployment.
- Cloud Integration – Many companies are still using traditional IT infrastructure but cloud services have now become more affordable. The benefits to switching to cloud storage include lower infrastructure costs, increased scalability and efficiency, as well as top of the line data security.
- Virtual reality – This treads can be found most commonly within the mobile realm. Most notably focused on continued marketing to a younger generation of consumers. There are several big companies that have already started integrating virtual reality in unique ways. Google expedition has created a virtual experience that submerges students into historic landmarks, increasing their learning experience. Ikea and Target both have developed apps that allows you to virtually place your purchases within your home before you buy. Virtual reality is expected to continue to enhance and alter the way we shop.
- Mobile Wallet – Again, this trend focuses more on mobile app development. As we all know the way we shop has changed drastically over the last decade. People are making online purchases at an accelerating rate. Which means companies have placed a bigger emphasis on thinking outside the box. Many stores now allow you to pay with your mobile device instead of using cash or cards. Making it quicker and easy to purchase items online and in stores. Traditional banking has now been replaced with an app that allows you to make check deposits and transfer money in the comfort of your own home.
- Cybersecurity – As more sensitive content is being passed through the cyber world its more important than ever to maintain the security of sensitive data. As we continue to rely on the internet to share data we will also see an increase in data breaches and cyber-crimes. That’s why cybersecurity will be an ever increasing factor in web application development.
- Single Page Applications – Creates websites that interact with the user by dynamically rewriting the entire page, instead of fully loading a new page from the server with each interaction. The application has all the information it needs but is only displaying the key elements and loads additional content as needed. The easiest comparison that can be made is to a traditional video game. From the start your game has all the content for the entire game available but the end user is only seeing what they need to at any given time. Single Page Applications are user friendly, fast and responsive.
- IoT – Meaning “Internet of Things“. This technology can be described in short as the ability to connect a network connection with a non-internet connected object. The best example of this being “Alexa” or “Google” who control everyday appliances such as light switches and coffee pots through voice activation. As you may already guess this trend is expected to skyrocket as users are getting more accustomed to being able to use their smartphones and voice to activate and schedule every day activities.
- The RAIL – RAIL 5 comes with attractive features focused on improving the speed and performance of your websites. As with several other technologies the trends for 2020 is to make things run faster and more efficiently.
Let Excel SoftSources help connect you with the leading technology trends. Schedule a call with us today!