When you think about using robotic processes for your company, you might think that the only companies that would benefit would be those involved in manufacturing. However, robotic process automation benefits go well beyond turning an assembly line into an unending process. Robotic process automation provides you with the technology to have a “robot” carrying out the actions that a human would when interfacing with digital systems to carry out a business process. When you have RPA robots working for you, those programs can absorb data and use applications in the same way that people do. These applications communicate with different systems to carry out repetitive work functions. The difference with an RPA “robot” is that it never needs sick time, it never has to go home and go to sleep, and (if properly designed) it does not make mistakes. Excelsoftsources.com can bring the same benefits to your business.
How does robotic process automation actually work?
When you have an RPA “robot” working for you, you have an application that can copy many actions that human users make. These include logging into applications, copying and pasting information, completing forms, moving folders and filed, scraping browsers, extracting data from documents, and other repetitive tasks.
Here’s an example that demonstrates how powerful robotic process automation benefits can be. A human resources provider was using human associates to process about 2,500 approvals for sick leave per month, and it took about four minutes to handle each application. It took the company less than a month to implement an RPA alternative and automate 90 percent of the process. The system works by having the RPA “robot” pull data from an SAP transaction, add the data to the systems owned by the client and then print out the form. The client earned back the investment in six months, with an error percentage eliminated completely. Processing times dropped by 80 percent, and it only took five percent as much manual work as it had previously.
How can robotic process automation benefit my company?
One of the most pressing robotic process automation benefits is cost savings. When Excelsoftsources.com works with a client to implement RPA, it takes less time to complete a task, and you do not need to wait for a human to complete the task. In fact, your business can get tasks done around the clock, as the “robot” does not need to go home at night and come back in the morning. There is no minimum wage to consider; there are no benefits to pay. Instead, you purchase the application and let it handle the tasks for your business.
You might think that, with the work taking place more quickly, that there would be a greater propensity for error. Instead, when you have Excelsoftsources.com put together an RPA package for your company, you will see work that minimizes errors and maximizes quality. Even when people are exercising great care while completing a task, they make mistakes from time to time. The more people you have working on routine jobs for your company, the more likely it is that an untimely error will show up – and possibly repeated many times, given the nature of repetitive work. Solving the problems that those mistakes cause could turn into a fairly expensive situation. So long as the inputs into your RPA robot are correct, the application will perform the work accurately, over and over again. That increases your customer satisfaction rate, your customer retention late and the robustness of your bottom line.
Another benefit you can derive from bringing RPA to work for you is reduced cycle time. Think about how long it takes a person to complete even a simple task, such as populating a form on a website. An RPA “robot” can do the same job in a matter of seconds. That might not sound very important, but imagine that same multiplier attached to the multiple repetitive, simple tasks that you have office personnel currently performing. An RPA “robot” could lead to a significantly streamlined office in terms of basic personnel – or it could free up those people currently bogged down in routine tasks for more complicated work that could provide greater benefit to the company.
Do you have office staff currently at work trying to figure out how to code automation in a way comparable to RPA? Once you have an RPA system in place, one of the best robotic process automation benefits is that you have no need for coding or script writing. Instead, automating workflows and tasks through the system (once it is established) takes minimal effort. The more quickly you can automate those workflows and tasks, the sooner you will see the other benefits on this list come to fruition for your company. This means that you get speedy returns from implementing RPA – and Excelsoftsources.com can make it happen.
If you’ve watched the film Moneyball, which documents the successes of the Oakland Athletics, a Major League Baseball team, with respect to getting the most out of a roster that cost a fraction of what some of the big spenders in the league were putting out in payroll, then you know the value of analytics. Perhaps one of the most important advantages that an RPA system can bring to your company has to do with using data to bring about process improvements for your company. When you implement RPA systems to your routine tasks, those applications include the ability to glean, sort, track, measure, evaluate, and provide reporting on all of the data associated with those tasks. Then you as a management team can go back and look at the data, making conclusions about what worked – and what did not – so that you can improve ongoing operations and deal with problematic issues that have arisen, doing so in a more timely manner so that you can stop losing the profits that those issues are causing. To find out more about how robotic process automation benefits can take your company to the next level, contact one of our RPA specialists at Excelsoftsources.com today.
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